Creating a Brighter Future
Hello! I’m Kate, a seasoned creative professional and passionate conservationist.
With my diverse background in design, videography, photography, writing, and editing, I live to tell meaningful stories.
I’m thrilled to have recently joined an incredible nonprofit to do just that. All for the mission of saving coral reefs (what!) 🪸
While I’m stepping away from marketing consulting for a season, my camera is still attached to my face.
Let’s make some magic ✨
Walk with Me
Since before I can remember and still to this day, I photograph where I stand. Take a walk with me all over the world.
Island Life
There’s nothing quite like the slow pace of island life. These islands are the places I feel most at home and like myself.
The most priceless views on Earth are standing in front of, behind, or underneath a roaring waterfall.
Water is Life
I have a special place in my heart for water. It’s the most versatile subject I’ve ever had the privilege to shoot.
Little Things
If you follow me on Instagram, you know I treasure the little things. Because why not romanticize the details in your life?
These islands are easy to love. Epic views and dreamy details line the coast, and the people respect and care for the land.
Meet me in the PNW
Oh, the dreamy Pacific Northwest. This was a transformative trip with the most wonderful crew. Memories forever.