Adventurer. Dreamer.

Capturing Moments, Restoring Compassion

Hello! My name is Kate Beebe (🐝🐝), and I lead an adventurous life.

You can find me deep in the woods or out in the mountains with a camera in-hand, chasing waterfalls and smelling wildflowers, climbing on fallen trees and walking through creeks. I live to play in the rain and gaze at the stars. I love to travel and tend to favor places off the beaten path.

I used to think all I wanted out of life was to be outside, taking beautiful photos. However, I began to understand that this world is broken and becomes a lot less broken when we learn about others and share our lives with them.

Caring for this planet and all its creatures has been a part of my life’s mission since before I can remember.

When I was little, I had funerals for bumblebees and moths. I worried about ants getting stepped on (still do). One summer, my best friend and I raised tiny tadpoles to become frogs. My backyard was a dream world full of creatures from the faraway lands I had only seen in adventure magazines.

In 9th grade, I dressed up as Steve Irwin for Halloween. By the time I started college, I had written 4 research papers on animal rights and found homes for over 20 orphaned animals.

As an adult, my mission has evolved into teaching people about our impact on the planet. And encouraging everyone to care – for the forests, waterways, and all animals everywhere (you can start with the ones on your plate).

Because when nature wins, we all win.

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Always be working toward what you can’t stop thinking about.